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Monday, February 25, 2008

Would someone tell that girl how NOT to make babies!

Via Raimeis, Quickroute and the BBC a 16-year-old Argentine girl has given birth to her second set of female triplets. The girl gave birth to her first son at 14, then her first set of female triplets at 15. She had both sets of triplets naturally, no fertility treatment. She is one fertile young girl but in all seriousness will someone not take her aside and tell her how NOT to make babies. I mean if she continues producing children at this rate by the time she reaches 35 she could potentially have 42 more children - given her current rate of seven children in three years.

Honestly, call me old-fashioned but to have 7 children by the age of 16 is just tragic for all concerned.


Anonymous said...

It amazes me what the body will let itself go through, especially when it hasn't even finished growing itself yet.

7 children under the age of three? Night. Mare.

Restaurant said...

Hi...I'm from Argentina but luckily I'm not that 16-year-old girl.I'm 20 years old. I think that it's incredible.Here the news showed how the mother said that she helped the daughter to babysitting the babies..but that's not the point..I can't think this girl doesn't know how to protect herself...Maybe she just don't care..It's an educational thing...and it doesn't have to do with the financial status..because here there are wealthy girls who get pregnant as a teenager as well. But this case it's like too much. Because if u get pregnant by accident, I think u will take more caution the next time...I really don't find an explanation

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

Curly K - just a heads up that your feedburner feed (http://feeds.feedburner.com/ThatFridayFeeling)seems to be playing up and shows 'No Feed Available' and if you click on the above link you just see your blog header and no content. Might want to look into that.

Curly K said...

K8 the GR8 - absolute nightmare!

Sole - welcome :) unplanned pregnancies are an issue in all countries and as you say across all of society and I don't understand how she hasn't taken more precautions third time around either!

Quickroute - cheers for the heads up re the feed. Still trying to fix it, without much success so far.

Doris said...

42 more children? I thought 20 a piece for some Victorians was bad enough but the thought of 49 in total - if that were to happen, pretty horrific.

Come to think of it, two is enough for me but 7 before you've even gotten to the age to vote. Mind boggling.

Curly K said...

Doris - glad you're suitably impressed with my mathematical and prediction skills LOL But it is truly mind boggling!