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Monday, December 10, 2007

Breast screening scandal continues!

After all the outrage, scandal and indeed incredulity we have witnessed in the last few months with regard to the appalling treatment of women attending for breast cancer screening in this country nothing has changed.

On the 24th October I read a post from one brave young Irish mother who had found a lump in her breast and was also experiencing bleeding. Now, in this day and age we have all been warned enough about signs that need to be checked IMMEDIATELY - having a lump in your breast and bleeding is one such signal- no medical education or experience required! On presenting her referral for an ultra-sound at her local hospital she was told to "try Mullingar" as in the Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar, but it could take up to three weeks.

So, what had happened by the 6th November - nothing; an ultra-sound request had been returned to her GP! And then she was informed she was being referred to the Midlands Regional Hospital Portlaoise! This was smack bang in the middle of all the horrific revelations about Portlaoise and just prior to the Breast Service being pulled from that hospital. So you would think that the HSE would at least try to get things right and have put proper referral systems for women in the Midlands in place. Well as of the 1st December to quote this brave lady herself ".....I am still waiting for an appointment with the breast people. I'm still bleeding and still have some other stuff going on. No one cares."



Anonymous said...

Thanks for drawing some attention to this and your kind words. Still waiting...

Curly K said...

And still keeping my you in my thoughts and prayers.